There is a lot to not like about Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. It has been ripped apart enough times over the last thirty one years and everything that could be said about it probably has been said about it. Even with all of its flaws, the one part of the movie that I have always loved is the fist 15-20 minutes in Yosemite National Park.

Despite being new to directing, I think Shatner did an amazing job with all of the establishing shots and the rock climbing scenes. I know that the action looks a little bit cheesy now, especially the part where Kirk falls, but the beauty of doing live on location shooting is that the parts that show half dome and El Captain are still absolutely breathtaking today. I always felt that the movie did a great job of capturing Yosemite in the early morning, and you get the feeling that Kirk must have started climbing at the crack of dawn, and we are just starting the story as the day starts to warm up. I recently read Edward Gross's and Mark Altmans book Star Trek: The Fifty Year Mission, and in it, we get some very candid interviews with William Shatner and the crew.

Of all the stuff in The Final Frontier, Shatner was most proud of the beginning at Yosemite. In fact he also talks of how he perhaps spent too much money on early parts of the film and ran out of money for a bigger climax at the end. Personally I wouldn't trade a big cheesy action piece at the end for the stuff at the park (yes with the Row, Row, Row your boat and all). Surprisingly it is very difficult to actually film in Yosemite National Park, and the producers has to pull some strings to get the filming rights. Movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark, Small Soldiers, and the Great Outdoors also filmed in the park, but when I was there in 2014 my brain immediately jumped to Kirk free rock climbing and Spock in rocket boots. I don't have the skill or the nohow to rock climb like Kirk, but I did the next best thing and hiked the four mile trail which gave me great views of the park just like James T. Kirk. If you ever get the chance to go to Yosemite National Park, it really is just as magical as it looks on screen, and if you're even luckier to get to go climbing there, make sure to wear your blue vest or rocket boots!

If you're looking for more great Star Trek content, check out our latest RTR review of "The Host" here:
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